Canceled Live Event? Here’s What to Do Instead

4 years ago · 6 min read

For a lot of brands, live industry events, such as trade shows, conferences, and networking gatherings, are the lifeblood of their businesses. This is where they pick up leads, close deals, and form partnerships.

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How To Launch Your Product Successfully At CES 2020

A great launch at CES can give your new product a huge boost in everything from media coverage to sales to further investment. But here’s the flip side: There are so many product launches at CES that it can be extremely difficult to stand out. Your product is competing with thousands of others for attention.

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What the 1850s Can Teach You About Being an Entrepreneur Today

Perhaps the simplest theme of this entire work is- build a better you and you’ll build a better business. I think that’s the most authentic way possible to develop a true brand purpose.

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Place Marketing: How One Midwestern City Is Transforming Its Brand

A critical element of successfully and authentically branding a city is to involve community members—the people living and working and playing in the spaces you’re attempting to brand.

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Your Audience Is Bigger Than You Think: How To Generate Consumer Demand Across The Supply Chain

There’s only one main differentiating factor for brands today: relationships. With all the digital noise out there.

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4 Research-Proven Strategies to Help Your Brand Navigate the Customer Buying Journey

In today’s always-on digital world, brands are under serious pressure when it comes to engaging and retaining connected consumers.

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