Canceled Live Event? Here’s What to Do Instead

4 years ago · 6 min read

For a lot of brands, live industry events, such as trade shows, conferences, and networking gatherings, are the lifeblood of their businesses. This is where they pick up leads, close deals, and form partnerships.

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Judy H., CEO Leadership Summit

“Ms. Hyder was our highest rated speaker – and we have had some very impressive speakers.”

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Dave Taylor, co-organizer, The Aloha Social Media Summit

“Shama’s enthusiasm, cheery personality, and desire to truly help others made her one of the hits of the Aloha Summit. If we can, we’d be delighted to have her back again as a speaker.”

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Gail Goodwin, Inspire Me Today

“Shama Hyder is the perfect blend of professional and yet real. Her ability to simplify complex subjects and capture a crowd with her magnetic personality is unparalleled.”

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Lisa Danzer, President of ATW

“You kicked off our summer setting a high standard for our series. From a quantitative perspective you were a hit with nearly 100% rating the event excellent. From a qualitative perspective there were comments such as: great topic and very valuable and interesting real world example of how social media is being used.”

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